The Process Of Installing A Garage Door To Match The New Look Of Your Home


Are you renovating your home and planning to get a new garage door? The current one attached to your home may not fit the aesthetic you hope to achieve during the remodel. If it's time to get rid of the old garage door and replace it with a new one, you can enlist help from garage door installation experts who will do the job from beginning to end.

What Are the Steps Involved in Installing a New Garage Door? 

When installing a new garage door, technicians must remove the outdated door from the hinges using special tools, such as locking pliers and winding bars. After they've carefully removed the garage door, the technicians can take certain steps to complete your garage door installation. These steps include:

  • Taking Measurements - Even if they take measurements from the previous garage door, it's still necessary to measure the area without the door for accuracy. These measurements will give the technicians a better feel for what types of garage doors can and can't fit within the frame. 
  • Checking Tracks and Installing New Ones If Necessary - After taking the measurements, garage door technicians can check the tracks, assess them for any damage, and ensure everything is level. If there is any issue with the tracks, it may be necessary to repair or remove them entirely before the garage door installation begins. The technicians must check the horizontal and vertical tracks to ensure they're aligned with one another so that the garage door can easily open and close.
  • Adding Springs and Door Panels - If everything is aligned and looks good within the garage door frames, the following steps involve installing springs and putting the door panels you've selected in place. The technicians must secure these panels using hinges that get screwed into place with a power tool.

Along with these primary steps, garage door technicians may take other steps to complete the installation before testing the door. The final step involves testing the door to see how smoothly it operates. If there are any issues with the door at that time, the technicians will thoroughly inspect the garage door components, check for possible errors made, and make adjustments until the garage door opens and closes correctly.

You can have a new garage door installed in one day. If you are remodeling the home, getting rid of your old garage door and then putting in a replacement that matches the new look of your property's exterior is an excellent decision.


15 June 2023

Buying a Dream Home

One of the most exciting, memorable, and rewarding events in someone’s life is searching for his or her dream home. I certainly remember my days of house hunting fondly. If you’re currently searching for a new place, you need to consider several factors when touring potential homes. One important characteristic is garage doors. Since you’ll likely be opening and closing these doors almost every day for the next several years, you need to like them. When looking at a prospective home, pay close attention to the size, style, and functionality of its garage doors. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the most popular styles of garage doors installed in homes today. Enjoy!